Monday, November 28, 2011


Okay, this is kind of a personal, embarassing post for me, but I feel like I have to do it!  (this is my blog right)  Okay so.  Every year on January 1st I make a "new years resolution" as almost all of us do, to lose weight.  And every year, usually by my birthday (January 11th) I quit the diet/exercise gig for food! 

Ever since I got out of high school and out on my (well, actually our) own, and once Nick joined the Army, I packed on the pounds like it was going out of style.  I gained nearly 60 pounds in the year and 2 months between getting married, and getting pregnant.  During my TWIN pregnancy I gained an additional 50 pounds and took my girls to full term!!  Then, after losing all the baby weight, I gained back all but 15 pounds of it. 

This means I gained a total of 95 pounds since the day I got married.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? 

So heres what I did.  At my highest non pregnancy weight of my life, I was feeling depressed, enormous, and ready to set an example. So On October 1, 2011  I took a personal oath to myself and for my family, that I was going to lose weight and become a good, healthy role model for my two daughters, who will surely face some daunting body issues growing up.  (It doesnt help that they have the worst mix of a gene pool for fatness)

So I have been working out, cutting calories, and charting everything.  My amazing hubby even got me a wii!!  so now I use that for 95% of my workouts!!  I hate video games, but I must say this one is amazing!!  So far I have lost 20.2lbs, and I have about 100lbs to go.  I have a goal of the 11th of every month, to have lost 10 lbs.  (so 10lbs a month)  Seems extreme, I know, but I know I can do it!!

I am working on a weight loss page, so check for that!!  You can find tips there, and follow my before and after pictures!!  And if anyone is in the same position as I am, email me !!  we can do it together!!

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