Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays (kinda)

 Laramie SERIOUSLY loves her Daddy
 We found this little guy thew day before we left Missouri
 This is Rylie, Flower (dog), and Laramie on the road trip home!
 Laramie getting tummy time in Nebraska, with daddys hat on!
 Rylie is just so cute!!  In Nebraska
 Laramie, I just LOVE that face!!
 Rylie Bug
 Laramie asleep in Wyoming

 Daddy and Laramie at the Round Up
 My mom (Granny) and Rylie at the Round Up
 Rylie, David (my best friends son 11 months) and Laramie...her 2 year old was in the back seat...full car
 Rylie Bug in her jumper (best and most terrifying thing ever invented)
Miss Laramie LOVES it too!!


I love Saturday’s.  Normally Nick gets Saturday and Sunday off, so it’s the first day of our family/home projects/grocery shopping/everything else time.  But I always love waking up on a Saturday morning, with my husband still in bed beside me.  Its great considering during the week he’s gone by 5:30am. 

So Saturdays at home in California are even better.  We get to go roping today!!  Yay!!! I used to team rope with my mom, and on  my high school rodeo team.  I don’t think I have roped (or even gotten on a horse for that matter) in at least two years.   Its sad to say, but it’s the truth.  So today at 11am were off to roping practice and I couldn’t be more excited.  Well, aside from the fact that I have gained a good 40lbs (ick) since I was last on a horse, and I am not sure I can even get on…  That’s besides the point.  I am pretty excited to be back doing what I love I must say.

Our families have been so happy to see the girls (can you blame them!)  Everyone has been fighting over us and the girls everyday.  Its great to know that everyone wants to see us,  but people, were not a circus attraction!!  You will all get a turn I promise!  I hate nothing more than being pulled in 500 different directions at the same time!

In other news……I know none of my posts have had any pictures in them lately.  Its  because I havent been posting from my computer, so my pictures weren’t on there. Im doing  a photo bomb right now....on the next post...SORRY!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Update on Cloth Diapering

So I thought the girls were allergic to the SunBaby diapers that I have come to love, but THANK GOSH!! They aren't!!  I was using the biodegradable liners, and that's what they were allergic to.  So thankfully we are back on the wagon (as of 3 weeks ago) for using cloth and I am so, so happy.  I really love using cloth.  the gils love it too and its so much nicer now that they are standing more, if they fall down, their  bum is so much more cushioned!!!  I really do love them!!  

My mom is also great about using them.  She watched the girls (my very first time away) for 7 hours last weekend and used cloth fact, she used all of them!!  haha it was so funny.  I had just done a load so she wouldnt run out...good thing because she changed them about every 30 minutes.  She wasnt sure if they were wet or not.  so cute. I love my mom :)

Also, I have pictures, but I am on my moms computer and havent uploaded them on here yet, but ill do a huge picture post tomorrow!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Good to be home

 I feel so accomplished!!!  We managed to make it 2000 miles from Missouri to California, with two 5 1/2 month olds, two dogs, and all of our junk not only alive, but in 46 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh yes, yes we did!!  

So I must say that we have just about the best little travelers in the whole world.  The do not mind getting to sleep more than usual, nor do the mind being trapped in their car seats (too much anyway)...Now, the first day (well, night, we left at midnight) we made it through Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, and into Cheyenne Wyoming before we stopped.  The girls we cranky and wanted to get out and stretch and sleep.  So we stopped and the next day we made it through Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and home to California!!!!  The girls were amazing, but were definitely ready to be done.  The dogs are amazing travelers so no problems there!!  I will have to add pictures later, I just know its been a while since I posted, and I felt the need!!!!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One things for sure

I love my babies, like so much its silly.  They are literally with me 24/7 and I never get tired of them.  Now with my new Explorer, I can go anywhere with them and not feel intimidated about it.  Using our old bronco was really hard for me, and made me feel like everything was too hard to do on my own.  Its amazing what a car can do for your self esteem.  

Speaking of which, I took myself to the grocery store today.  Just me, Rylie and Laramie.  Now, I had to psych myself up for it and it took me until 2pm, but I did it.  I took the stroller and put the car seats in, and I pulled a shopping cart.  yup.  PULLED IT BEHIND ME LIKE A PUPPY.  HaHa and I couldnt be more proud of myself!!  I went full on grocery shopping and pulled it off!!!  wish I had a picture!  

In other news y house is a disaster and were leaving in 5 days.  I have heaps of laundry to do, and it seems like the same heaps that have been there for weeks.  I really need to get it together.  W e still have so much to do,  and the days are flying bY which is great, but like I said. I really need to get it together.