Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2 week visit

So the babies had their 2 week well baby visit today...and they both gained the right amount of weight.  I am so proud of my little girls.  I am currently pumping and feeding them breast milk, as they dont latch very well (or at all for that matter)  And I have a low supply.  Its super heart breaking for me to not be able to give them exclusively breast milk.  And  to everyone who said "your body knows what to do, so dont worry about supply"  uhh, right, tell that to Rylie and Laramie.  

So I see that I am a horrid blogger.  I  never get on this thing!  I am making a promise to blog more, just for myself so I remember what happened when while my two little cowgirls were so young.  So my new promise is to blog at least once a week about whats goin on with us, and write down all the great and amazing things that Rylie and Laramie decide to do!

So in other news, Thanksgiving is next week, which means  that my mom will leave next week.  That makes me so sad!  My mom and i have always been really really close, and to live so   far away from her is so hard.  But she has been here for 5 weeks and has to go home.  Apparently they will fire her if she doesnt return (who knew!?)  Either way, here are some pictures of my little Cowgirls.

6lbs 7oz (1oz shy of birth weight) 20 1/2'' long

5lbs 14oz (2oz above birth weight) and 19 1/2" long

 And here is both of them because thry're just so cute!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

November 4, 2010

I did it.  I made it to my scheduled c section.  I carried these girls to term and I cant believe it!

So the morning of Thursday November 4 2010 was one of excitement, nerves, and a bit of panic.  I didnt really sleep all night just knowing that I was going to meet my little girls for the first time in a few short hours!  I woke up at 3:30am to get ready.  I frantically straightened my hair (why I have no clue) and packing the remaining items in my hospital bag.  at 4:45am I called into L & D as instructed and made sure all was a go.  We were off by 5am headed to the hospital!!  I was admitted got my bracelet, and headed up to L & D with my husband and my mom in tow.

We walked in and I was immediately given a room, a gown, and an IV.  From here on everything went REALLY fast.  5:30-7:30 was the fastest two hours of my entire life!  I soon had two IV's, was being monitored, and was meeting loads of nurses, anesthesiologists, and pediatricians!  I was all shaved up, signed a few forms and in came my doctor!  By then I felt pretty comfortable with the staff and was calming down and beginning to get really nervous and excited.  My doctor asked how I felt and said he would see me in a few!

So I walked myself down to L & D, leaving my mom and husband there to suit up and get ready to meet our girls!  Walking into the OR was something out of a horror film!  The big lights, cold table in the middle of the room...freaked me the heck out!  So I got up on the table and they started on my spinal.  If you have never had one, then you have no clue how hard it is to sit still when youre being poked in the back with a needle!! Its difficult!!  As soon as she got the spinal administered, my feet and my butt were so numb!!

Thankful that the most terrifying part was over, I relaxed and laid there.  Trying to prepare myself to meet my daughters.  By the time I knew it my husband and my mom came in and sat by my head.  Then i realized I was being cut open!  I could feel everything, but no sharp pain!!  It may very well have been the weirdest feeling in my entire life.

At 8:23am on November 4, 2010 Rylie Leona made her appearance into the world feet first weighing 6lb 8oz and measuring in at 19 3/4 inches long.  She was screaming and PERFECT.

One minute later at 8:24am Laramie Beth arrived head first weighing 5lbs 12oz and measuring 18 inches long.  She too was screaming and PERFECT!

I am so in love!  My husband went over and took pictures of them, and reported back to me that everything was a okay and our girls were doing great.  Then they brought them over, and we had our first family photo

My husband and my girls then went back to our room to wait for me to come out of recovery.  My mom stayed with me while they sewed me all back together and then went with my new family towait on me.

Recovery seemed like the longest 45 minutes of my life!!  All I wanted was to go see my babies!!  I was able to move my feet and legs so off I went to my room to see my family!  Once I got up to my room, I had some HUNGRY little girls!!  But before they ate, I got this picture