Sunday, January 8, 2012

Body Bugg on the move!

Okay, so here is something AMAZING to say the least!!

Heres a quick run down to get yall up to speed.  I weigh a ton (okay maybe not, but you get the point)  And I have been considering weight loss surgery for quite a while.  Here is what it comes down to, for me at least.  I DO NOT want to die during the procedure...yeah, 0.5% chance of mortality, which is 1 in 2000 people...but thats bad odds for the unlucky.  

So after months of deliberation (and months of wasting freaking time sitting around)  I have decided to grow a pair of (as my friend so affectionately calls it) lady balls and lose the weight the right way.  So here I am, I am doing it!!  If I stick to it and lose about 2lbs a week, I will reach my goal weight on May 10, 2013.  Thats only 16 months.  16 months to lose 141lbs.  No scary surgery, no lasting malnutrition, no band slippage, or erosion.  Nothing!  So, I will be updating here, and I will be using this amazing thing called the BodyBugg to keep me on track!!if you dont know what the body bugg is, go to  its awesome and I hope I get mine soon!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Year In Review: 2011 ♥

What is there to say about the year 2011? Well, a lot actually.  2011, despite its rather crazy ups and downs, was probably my favorite year of my whole life.  Yeah, 2008 was awesome because I got married, and 2010 was amazing obviously because of the fact that our girls were born, but 2011 really takes the cake, heres why.


In January the girls were 2 months old, and Nick left for a field training for 3 weeks.  It was my first time alone with the girls overnight, let alone 3 weeks worth of nights.  I survived, dispite the snow storm that traped me in my house because I didnt have a good vehicle...I lived on top ramen, LITERALLY!


Rylie and Laramie were 3 months old, and seriously adorable.  We had our first trip to Bass Pro Shops (the most magical place on earth!!)  and I pumped the erntire hour and a half drive down there...  February was also the month that I started cloth diapering.


We had an amazing month, as we finally bought a family car!!  Oh, and the girls were learning how to sit up.

We braved 7 states and 2000 miles in a car with two 5 month olds, two dogs, two parents (us) and a car packed full to visit family back home!  It was a good drive, and a good visit.  I stayed home for 4 months!


In May the girls turned 6 months old, and Laramie cut her very first tooth.  Nick, the girls and I went on a vacation to Fort Bragg (California)  and it was amazing, we had like a 4 person bath tub!


On June 13, 2011 both Rylie and Laramie began crawling!!  They turned 7 months old too!  We did away with our sunbaby diapers, and switched to the flip system.


The girls and I packed up and (attempted) to head home.  We made it as far as Wyoming before the transmission went out in my car....yup.  We ended up spending 2 weeks in Wyoming waiting on my car, and Nick had to take a greyhound (that took three days) to be with us.  It turned into a relaxing family vacation, but still, really sucked!
We literally had to ride in the car, on the Tow Truck...SCARY!


We finally made it home and started looking for houses.  It wasnt long before we found our dream home, and at a price we could afford!!  We put in an offer and it was accepted.  Also, Rylie started walking!

We closed on our house, and moved in.  The girls turned 10 months!! I got my dream kitchen!!  and the largest pantry, EVER!


In October we got pretty festive, went to the pumpkin patch, and Nick went to the field for 3 long, long weeks.


Rylie and Laramie turned 1 year old!  My mom came out to visit (and stayed for 6 weeks!) We had a seriously delicious thanksgiving dinner, and it was my favorite Month of the year.


My mom went home :(  Nicks parents came, and we had some awesome family time!!  Not to mention the girls got a billion Christmas gifts!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Year, A New Me

okay, okay, i know what youre cliche!!

But seriously, Its the truth.  I am going to list my resolutions (which are the first ones I have ever made) so everyone knows!!!!  So here they are!

1.  Continue with my workout routine, and healthy eating.  I have already lost 20lbs, and need to lose another 77lbs to be at my goal :)  I have really been on a roll, and the last thing I want to do is revert back.

2.  Blog 4 times a week.  I really want to make sure I keep up with my blog, its a nice outlet for me, and a great place to be myself and have me time haha,

3.  Finish school, and get a job.  I am currently about halfway through my Medical Transcription course, and by the end I will be a certified MT and will work from home.  I am SO excited!!

4. Practice my roping more.  like, a lot more.  I am a team roper back home, and with us coming up on our 12 month countdown to our ETS from the army, were going back home (YAY!!!) and we can get back to our lives!!  I need to be practicing so I dont wast any time when we get home.

So thats it!
my resolutions :)  
What are yours?