Tuesday, July 23, 2013

C Sections and VBAC's

It seems as though there are a lot of strong opinions on all three things (DUH) but mainly having a VBAC (vaginal birth after Cesarian).  It seems like a lot of moms who opt to try for a VBAC feel "robbed" of natural birth, or feel like
"less of a woman" or that they "have failed".  I feel none of these.  Let me take you back a bit.  When my midwife told me I was carrying twins,  my first thought wasn't how their birth would affect me.  I was terrified about
preterm birth.  All my research in my 9 months of pregnancy was about saying calm, not overdoing it, and how to not go into preterm labor.  Not how my babies would come into the world.  My motto was "whatever keeps them
in, and gets them out safely, that's what I'm going to do" .  At my 34 week ultrasound, we found out that both babies were STILL breech.  My doctor (who was amazing and VERY open minded) said I could labor and birth naturally,
but that both babies would probably still be breech, and that I may still need a c section after one baby was born, I was too scared.  I wanted to schedule a c section because I considered it a safer option (after A LOT of research)
for me, and for my babies.  That was it.  it was all about safety.  And let me tell you now, after carrying my twins with no medical problems, no preterm labor, no complications of any kind to full term at 38weeks and 2 days,
the last thing I felt was that I was less of a woman, a failure, or any other thing.  I was proud of my body.  Proud of the fact that I had kept two babies safe and sound until it was their time to come.

Pride.  And I happily walked into the operating room, as big as a house, with a smile on my face because I did it.  My c section was in no way a failure, and in fact was a pretty awesome experience.  They allowed my mom and my
husband in there with me, and I was able to snuggle a little with my babies before I went to recovery, and they went with Daddy and Mimi for about an hour before we were reunited.  I was anxious to get back, but I never
felt deprived.  Maybe it was because my priorities were a little different then.  I never gave a second thought to breastfeeding, I thought it would just happen naturally, and honestly, I never even researched it.  I planned on
nursing and pumping.  I feel like my hubby and my mom had a special bonding time together, and that they may not get that kind of bonding time with them for a while, especially since I was breastfeeding.  Plus I was able to
quietly reflect on what had just taken place, and was able to really remember it.  I am thankful for it.

Once I got to my room I was able to hold and nurse the girls and everything was beautiful.  I was nauseous, but amazing.  I opted for no "calming cocktail" and was wide awake and complete coherent during the surgery. 
In fact, I never thought of it as "my surgery"  only as my girls birthday.  After I left recovery, they never left my side (apart from getting a bath) No nursery, nothing.  Two perfectly healthy baby girls.  I did it.  An accomplishment
and definitely not a failure!

As for my next baby, I do want to try a VBAC.  Not because c sections are bad, I had an amazing experience with mine, but just because I can.  I would love a waterbirth.  I will try.  And if it ends in a c section, then oh well!
I wont be heartbroken.  Whatever is best for baby and me, that's what matters the most. 

Monday, July 8, 2013


I have already talked about this, but seriously, Pinterest is my new love.  I dont care what anyone thinks, I love it, everything about it and I wish I had been paying better attention to it for the past 2 years!!  Follow me if ya want to be updated all the time with humor, quotes, and anything else you can possibly think of!


this is a short post tonight as I am dead tired and have a sink full of dishes to be done.  Good night all!!  bedroom update coming soon!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Weekly Project To Do List

So each week I make a list of the projects (chores really) that I need to complete that week.  I figured I would share this weeks to do list with you.  

Disclaimer:: I get most of my projects from my obsession interest with Pinterest.

1.  Life Binder --This is my first priority this week.  I have all of the girls stuff neatly organized in a folder (one girl on each side) and that's great, but this is even more amazing.  I need to do one that has each member of the family in one binder so we all have our birth certificates and other important papers and records all together.  

2. Girls Room Re-Do--  I had to move all the fun stuff out of the girls room when we moved them to their big girl bed.  The would play until they dropped, leaving their room a disaster every single night.  I have been integrating their things back into their room and they are doing much better.  So This week I'm moving everything back in, and I welcome the extra space in the house!

3. Finish Our Room Re-Do--  We got a king size mattress and box springs for FREE from a good friend of ours (SCORE!) and it gave me a chance to redo our bedroom!  So I took some before pictures and I will do a full post on the room redo, im almost done, just some more organization and it will be a whole new room!

4. Begin Plans for Girls 3rd Birthday--  Its coming up in 5 months and this will be their first real party.  We were in Missouri for their birth, 1st and 2nd birthdays so this year we will be able to celebrate with all our family and all their friends!!  So Im crazy excited to start planning!

Thats my projects for this week.  And as for tonight, im beat.  good night!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Feather River Fish Hatchery

We live in a town with so many free things to do and explore.  But you know how it is, you drive by it everyday, you never thing to stop as you see it everyday.  We are trying to take our kids to see all the beauty in our town (which is now more like a city unfortunately) that we got to experience as kids.  

Today we took them to a Diner for breakfast, and then to the Fish Hatchery.  We have a huge Salmon run and a Salmon Festival in September every year when hundreds of thousands of Salmon make their way from the Pacific ocean all the way back to our City.  It really is amazing!!  So we took the girls on the tour, and there were quite a few salmon there, which seems abnormal for this time of year, but we took advantage of it!!  No one else was there and we had free reign of the whole place. 

It was an awesome time and a great 1.2 mile walk!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy Independence Day!

We had a nice day as a family today.  We stayed home, I made so super yummy buffalo chicken dip, and some 4th of July angel food/cool whip cake.  We just lounged in our pool and enjoyed being free.  It was our first 4th being home and out of the Army.  It was weird to not go on post and watch the fireworks and join in the festivities.  Here are a few pictures from our day of celebrating!

Somehow, we didnt end up with any pictures of us or the girls.  Sometimes, that happens but its rare.  Of course it had to happen on our 2nd favorite holiday!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Let It Grow, Let It Grow, Let It Grow :)

Okay, Its technically 1:21am on July 4th (happy independence day! but i havent been to bed yet so it still counts right? right.

Alright folks, I have decided to begin something that I have wanted to do for a long time, but just havent done because I didnt want to face the music, or split ends in my case.  I have decided to begin my hair growing journey.  HAHA i sound crazy right now, its okay, I understand.

This is something I have wanted to do for about a year, but knew that doing this the right way would mean chopping off all of my damaged ends.  This has been my biggest deturrent from actually moving forward with this process.  I havent really cut my hair since before I found out I was pregnant.  I cut about 8 inches off in December of 2009.  Since then, just little trims have happened.  My hair grew a LOT while I was pregnant, and It hit its longest point ever in August of last year.  Then I trimmed it, and it hasnt been the same since. 

So I have decided to begin by sectioning my hair into three layers because, well, its already in three layers.  I trimmed each layer and measured them after cutting.  The beginning stats are as follows.

Right Side of My Head

Longest Layer ::24.5inches
Middle Layer::  23 inches
Shortest Layer::21 inches
Bangs Layer::  11 inches

Left Side of My Head

Longest Layer::23.25 inches
Middle Layer::20 inches
Shortest Layer::18.5 inches
Bangs Layer ::6 inches

Now you may be wondering why the lengths are different for each side of my head.  Do not fear, my hair is even, however my part is on the left side of my head about an inch- inch and a half from the center of my head.  So the layers on the left are shorter.

So I am going to update each month and add what products are working for me!  Let me go over the hair growth guidelines I am following.

1)  No heat.  no blow dryers, curling irons, or straighteners (this will be the hardest one for me!)
2) No more hair color
3) moroccan oil
4) deep conditioning coconut oil masks once weekly
5) trimming 1/4-1/2 inch every 3 months
6) switching to a 100% boar bristle brush and a large tooth comb

among other sub categories to the aforementioned  rules, thats it!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Midnight Cleaning

Pinterest.  Its becoming somewhat of an obsession.  I am loving all the beautiful things, creations, photography, everything.  I love it all!  I just want to spend all night awake, on Pinterest, pinning everything I can.  

Unfortunately, I am not going to be doing that, as my night has other plans.  Like cleaning.  I am going to be up for hours and hours before my mind can rest.  In light of this heat wave, I have been a big bag of lazy ass and havent done any housework.  AT ALL.  Hey, in my defense we are on a brown out, causing everyone to cut on the energy they use.  Apparently to me, that ment the energy I use as well, with my body.  

So I have a nasty kitchen, living room, and entry to tackle and its not going to be pretty.  I guess I had better get to it!

Monday, July 1, 2013

July Blog Challenge

I have decided that I am going to take the July Blog Challenge (which I conveniently made up in my head)  Which means I will write a blog post every day for the month of July!  I am excited to start this challenge and see what I can accomplish with this Blog a month from now!

 Also, if you want to see something really funny (at least we cant get enough of it) here is Episode 1 of Ask Impact.  Impact is our horse and he has decided to answer some questions for us.  If you have any question you would like to ask the magic 8 ball...I mean Impact, leave them in the comments below and your questions will be featured on next weeks episode!

Marriage Takes Work

For those of you who are married, you know exactly what I mean by marriage takes work.  At least if you want a happy, successful marriage.  Nick and I have been married for over 4 1/4 years and I will tell you ere have been some rough times in that short amount of time.  It takes a lot of effort to work through your issues and come out stronger on the other side.

A lot of the time it starts out to be just small problems, but they can build up.  10 small problems become one large problem.  Now, if you're like me, you try not to say too much about the little things.  I'm not trying to start arguments over dirty socks.  But sometimes, those 10 little things become combined with a bigger thing.  Maybe he wants to hang out with his friends on the weekend, and suddenly you seem to be spending more time alone, and less time together.  Mix that with the 10 small issues that you may already be a little irritated about and you could end up in a fight.  

Unfortunately, this happens to every couple, and living together takes some getting used to!  Its normal to have little quarrels about things.  But what if you begin really missing each others signals.  What if you start fighting over everything.  You're stressed, he is stressed, the electric bill is way higher than you anticipated and someone is to blame.  It happens.  The point is that you have to be rational and understanding of one another.  

It takes hard work to make a marriage run smoothly.  As humans we fend for ourselves.  There is a definite learning curve to accepting maybe a different way of doing the laundry, of drawing up the budget.  You have to learn to cohabitant and that can take some getting used to.  Don't feel bad!  It is okay and a normal part of every relationship.  You need to find your groove as a couple and once you find that, life becomes smoother once again.

Adding children into the mix can take a perfectly happy marriage and jumble it all around.  When people are exhausted, frustrated, and are dealing with caring for a new life, things can get stressful!!  Try to remain connected and be a team.  Life can be stressful.  You just have to try to find a balance.  Finding time for each other is key.  You have to remain connected.  Making time each day, even if its 5 minutes a day to just reconnect, give each other a hug, talk about your day, or just say "I love you"  Investing just 5 minutes a day in your marriage can pay you back big time in the long run.  

You are in this together.  Sometimes you may feel more like enemies than partners.  But at the end of the day when you go to bed, you are a team.  Keep in mind that you chose each other, in good times or in bad.  Never go to bed without a kiss and saying I love you.  It re centers you and reminds you that "hey, i do love you, and were going to be OK"