Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Tooth! A Tooth!!

Big announcement everyone!!!
HUGE Announcement!

Laramie cut her first tooth today!!!!!!!!

Yes thats right.  Little sister was the first to get a tooth!!  But Rylie isnt far behind, oh no.  shes got one thats so, so close, it may even pop through tomorrow!!  I am so excited and just had to tell you!!!  As far as these little milestones go, I am going to start doing a post every Friday (I think) about all the little milestones that I want to remember that happened during the week.  I will start that tomorrow! :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Pretty Cool Response

I see that quite a few people have been checking out my blog since posting it on the Circle Of Moms Top 25 Moms of Multiples page.  Welcome!!  and thanks for stopping by, feel free to follow us on our journey by clicking the follow button at the


Rylie and Laramie would love you for it!


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy 6 Months {WHAT!}

My two tiny little newborns are now 6 months old!!  Where did these last 6 months go?!  Seriously, when I see how much they do now, I think, wait, they cant do THAT!!  Thats not something they do until theyre 6 months old!......wait, they ARE 6 months old.  Then I think, I freaking survived 6 months of twins!!!  There has got to be some kind of reward for that!!  Alright, Ill get on with them, individually :)


Big sister by a mere minute (which I believe will be a huge deal to them when theyre 5) is one of the smiliest babies I have ever met!  She seriously smiles all the time no matter whats going on...well, unless shes hungry...then its literal hell haha.  I am guessing shes roughly 17 pounds, and just outgrew the last of our 3-6 month wardrobe.  She can sit all by herself now, for quite a while.  She also just started something pretty cute.  if she is sitting down and I take her hands, she will pull herself up to a standing position.  The girl will stand for an hour if you let her!!  She currently has an issue with biting and sucking on her lower lip, which has given her a rash, but she doesnt seem to care.  She has two bottom teeth that are going to be coming through within the next month id say, and ugh, the poor girl chews on everything!!  All in all, shes a happy, silly baby who adores her daddy, and is becoming best friends with her sister :)


Little sister by a minute, Laramie, is literally the "little" sister.  Shes a little less than a pound smaller than big sis and she is just a more petite build all the way around.  She is super sweet and dont take this the wrong way, but shes a LICKER!!  She will lick anything and everyone!  Its so strange and when we go meet someone new, we have to warn them before handing her off haha.  She is so good at standing!  She loves to stand and she just giggles the whole time!!  Another Laramie favorite?  Holding her own bottle.  Seriously the girl will reach for it, grab it with both hands, and stick it in her mouth. One of the cutest things I have ever seen!! Laramie has at least 4 teeth two upper and two lower that are all white and look like they will be popping through before they hit 7 months!  She loves to screech at her sister, (and everyone for that matter) as well as blow raspberries....about everything!!! 

*Disclaimer- I wrote the post on their half birthday, took the picture at 6months 1 week, and am finally posting this 16 days after their half much has changed since then!!! 


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Truth Tuesday

  • Thanks to the Circle of Moms "Top 25..."  I have found quite a few really, really awesome blogs to follow.  I really enjoy reading what others do!!
  • I have been walking on the dam ( a popular place in my town, its 2 miles across and back) with my best friend almost every day, and I feel so much better already. 
  • Tomorrow I start my "healthy eating plan"  and I cant call it a diet....I will ALWAYS fail a diet...but a plan, Im super great at plans and planning.
  • I still wear full pannel maternity pants....yup I do.  In fact, when I was 2 months PP I bought 3 more pairs.  I cant bring myself to see what size I actually am post babies.  I know that since being pregnant with two babies, things have, well, shifted.  I dont have the same body shape as I did pre babies.  
  • I put hair extensions in my hair the other night (permanent ones that I did myself) they look really awesome.  I have been really stressed out lately.  Add that plus postpartum hair loss and i wound up with half the head of hair I had BEFORE i was pregnant.  Its kinda the one thing I have that makes me feel pretty.  And once i started losing huge clumps of it, my self esteem took a huge hit.
  • I HATE when people tell me whats wrong with my girls when they cry.  Last night my grandmother in law (that sounds odd) was holding Laramie and she started to cry.  She said to me "I think she has an ear infection.  Shes acting like she has an ear infection.  Are you going to get that checked out?"  Umm, no, it isnt her ears but thanks genius.  Shes teething.  Its 8:30pm and bed time has been here and gone....shes hungry and ready for bed!  Stop acting like you know whats up!  Wow I feel better :)
  • I am trying to see the positive in every situation, rather than the negative.  I find myself only recognising the negative in people, rather than all the good.  Im working on that.
Alright thats enough truth for one day! And since I talked a lot about my pregnant self, heres a picture of me at 37 weeks 1 day...this was 1 week and 1 day before the girlies were born!! (my mom doesnt have the picture of me the night before on her computer, but yes, I got BIGGER than THIS!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Almost there...

My girls are at the rocking stage of crawling.  They can both push up on their hands and knees, and then, they rock.  Today, Laramie lunged forward once!!  I cant believe how close to crawling they are.  my babies are growing up!  I just had to say something, so that next week I dont forget when it started!

While I am at it, Rylie can sit on her own for a long time!  Laramie can sit on her own, but she loves to fling herself backwards, she prefers to stand over anything else.  I am working on the 6 month post as well!! 

Today Laramie was sooo so fussy.  The poor little cowgirl.  She is teething pretty bad.  So it was hurting her.  oh but this, this right here

is a miracle!!  They both LOVE THEM!! I put ice chips in them and they both held them and gnawed on them for 30 minutes!!

Anyway, I have got to get to bed!!!  Goodnight everyone!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th

Allow me to begin by saying that Friday the 13th is the WORST day in my personal history.  Seriously y'all nothing good will EVER happen on Friday the 13th for me...ever.  

With that said, this Friday the 13th was no exception.  It was crazy cakes! (a new phrase i learned from Polos, Pearls & Pacifiers)  As some of you may know, my dad has been in jail for the past three months, dont remember whats up?  heres a short run through

He was the best dad...then he lost his marbles, and not in a funny way.  
Now he is a really, really bad person.
And he needs help.
End of story
oh, well,
not to mention, 
he will NEVER
see my girls.

So today, he was released from jail.  Just out.  Anyway, it makes me thankful that for our 2 year wedding anniversary Nick got me a .40 Taurus handgun (thanks babe!)  

Either way, this is a very crappy day.  Thank God for my little Angels :)  They are amazing.  And my husband who is the most amazing person ever!  I hope everyone else had a better day.  Im going to go to bed now.
Good night


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesdays (Fort Bragg CA )

We took a family vacation to Fort Bragg California before Nick had to go back to work....these are just some of the photos :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A penny for your vote?

Okay, I know my blog isnt huge, but I do consider myself to be a great mommy to my girls, and I really consider Nick to be a great daddy to our girls, so I entered this for me please?


Truth Tuesdays

This is my first time doing "Truth Tuesdays"  so lets see how it goes.

  • I always told myself that I would get healthy once the girls arrived and that I would set a good example.  Well, I am really, really failing at it.  I have yet t even load up the girls and go for a walk.  ( though im going on one in about 20 minutes!) I eat a ton of crap.  I lost all the "baby weight" while breastfeeding, but since stopping (yeah were not getting into that one) I have gained about 20lbs back.  I seriously need to get back on the wagon
  • When it comes to solids, I am clueless.  Like...its a whole different language!  The girls are 6 months now and I just feel lost.  I m pretty intimidated by the whole thing...I wish someone would just sit me down and explain it to me step by step.  I need strict instructions!
  • I am a worrier.  I worry from the time I wake up until I finally go to sleep.  I drive myself (and Nick!) crazy with my worrying. Strange part is, I never worried until I was pregnant...
     And thats all for This a little short on time or I would write more :)

    Sunday, May 8, 2011

    1st Mothers Day

    Today is my first mothers day.  From this mothers day on I will always be celebrated :)  That makes me feel pretty special.  I love being a mommy.  literally, its the most fufilling feeling I have ever felt.  Today I woke up with a beautiful vase full of beautiful flowers, and a nice present in a silver bag waiting for me, from Rylie and Laramie. It was the sweetest thing ever!!!!  They gave me body wash, hair ties and nail how my mom (I mean my girls hehe) know me so well!!!  Phil made us all stuffed french toast, which is seriously the most AMAZING thing EVER and my new favorite, for breakfast.  It was a great start to my mothers day!!!

    Now the girls and I are getting ready to go to see Nicks parents.  We haven't been there in a week, and they are losing their minds without seeing the girls!!  So I had better get, but I just wanted to say HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! to all the mommies out there


    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    Just to let ya know

    I currently have about 4 posts in my drafts that I am working on.  Being home is seriously putting a damper on my posting.  Probably because I actually have stuff to do!!  Im not just sitting at home everyday :)  Either way, I haven't forgotten, I am still working on it.  I plan on starting up a business soon, any ideas?  Something I can do with the girls in tow!!!


    Monday, May 2, 2011

    Alone time

    First off, dont get me wrong.  I love my mom so much, more than I love most people.  And I love the fact that the girls are around their granny, oh and the fact that she is letting the girls, nick and I all stay here for free.  But I miss my alone time!!  And by alone I mean just me, Rylie and Laramie.  We are used to getting 14 hours a day 5 times a week alone together.  Now, were lucky if we get 2 minutes alone together.

    We are always going somewhere to see someone; other people always want to hold them.  I just feel like, I am being pushed away, and told to go do something with Nick alone.  Or that someone wants to babysit for us.  And I am so grateful that people are offering to help.  I'm just not used to having everyone so in my business.  Its a total 180 from living away from your entire family, and all your friends.  Back im MO we didnt really go anywhere during the day, maybe the doctor every few months, and to a friends house one a week.  And a family grocery trip, but other than that, it was just us.  Just me and my girls sitting at home.  I appreciate that time with them.  I miss it sometimes as well.

    Thats all, just needed to get it off my chest :)  Thanks for listening to me complain about how many people love my babies, and how ungrateful I seem.  I am truly happy to have my family around, I just want a day to hang out with my babies.  What can I say....Im a spoiled mommy!!! :)