Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Truth Tuesdays

This is my first time doing "Truth Tuesdays"  so lets see how it goes.

  • I always told myself that I would get healthy once the girls arrived and that I would set a good example.  Well, I am really, really failing at it.  I have yet t even load up the girls and go for a walk.  ( though im going on one in about 20 minutes!) I eat a ton of crap.  I lost all the "baby weight" while breastfeeding, but since stopping (yeah were not getting into that one) I have gained about 20lbs back.  I seriously need to get back on the wagon
  • When it comes to solids, I am clueless.  Like...its a whole different language!  The girls are 6 months now and I just feel lost.  I m pretty intimidated by the whole thing...I wish someone would just sit me down and explain it to me step by step.  I need strict instructions!
  • I am a worrier.  I worry from the time I wake up until I finally go to sleep.  I drive myself (and Nick!) crazy with my worrying. Strange part is, I never worried until I was pregnant...
     And thats all for This Tuesday....im a little short on time or I would write more :)

    1 comment:

    1. Hey, I hear ya! I can relate to most of these. Are you still struggling with solids? It took me a while to figure out what works for us. I now realize I was making a bigger deal of out if than it was. I 'make' some of their food by mushing up avocados, sweet potatoes, blueberries, pears, peaches, etc. I also have plenty of jarred food on hand because it's easy. I really like Breech-Nut baby food.

      I feed my girls their bottles, wait about a half hour and then put them in their high chairs and feed them baby food. I have them share the same spoon and food (when Lillian was sick, I fed them separately) because my girls share everything. I still haven't figured out how much they should be eating. There are guidelines on babycenter, but my girls have never eaten that much. At 9 months, they still share a 4 oz jar of food and don't want anymore.

      I skipped rice cereal because I just didn't feel right about it, but I don't think it's that big of deal.

      Now the girls are to the point where I can cut up chunks of soft fruits and veggies and they feed themselves pretty well.

      It's overwhelming, but we've finally gotten the hang of it. If you've got any questions, let me know and maybe I can explain it a little better. I was completely overwhelmed too and that's partially why we waited until 7 months to even start!
