Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome, You're Not Alone

We have all done it right?  You get home from the doctor with the news "It's Twins"  Suddenly, its not just "I'm pregnant, were going to have a baby.  I wonder if its a boy, or a girl?"  It is more like "Were having two babies....that's two of everything.  How can we afford this?  two cars in 16 years!  two college funds at once!!" and the list goes on. 


I'm sure I am not the only one who got home and after calling our parents to share the news, got on youtube to watch ultrasounds, where people found out they were having twins.  I found that most of these people, were in the same state of mind I was "twins?  are you sure!"  oh yes, were sure.  

Twins were the very, very LAST thing that I had ever expected, and if that wasn't enough, finding out we would be welcoming two GIRLS in the coming months, really blew my mind.  My husband is one of four boys, as is his father, and his fathers father.  Of our generation, there were 3 girls.  I didn't think "a Jones" as I so lovingly refer to my husband as, could even make a girl. LET ALONE TWO!  

Despite everything,  here we are, 2 weeks away from our twin daughters first birthday, alive, sleeping all night, waking refreshed and enjoying every moment with our little Munchkins.  I am welcoming you on my journey through mommyhood.  Things I have learned the hard way, and things I have learned the harder way.  I hope  what you take away from this is that you are not alone.  Weather you have one baby at a time, or an entire litter, People before you and people after you are experiencing this too, and it sure is an amazing part of life.  

I welcome you to Mommyhood (Twin Style)  I hope you enjoy the ride.


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