We all fantasize about our lives right?! How our kitchen will look, how big of a backyard you have, the car you drive, the love your family shares, the financial security, fresh sheets everyday (or for me, just having the sheets remain on the bed more than one night) anything! So here are my life goals, I hope that they are all attainable.
- Move home to California (this WILL happen)
- Own at least 40 acres
- Have a huge bathtub (some things are just a must have)
- Work a job that I can do from home, and help pay the bills (currently finishing up my schooling!!)
- Be a great role model for my daughters
- Have a stable family base
- have enough money to allow my girls to rope or do gymkhanas and ride their horses whenever they want.
- Be genuinely happy with my life
The big bath tub is a must! I am a new follower to your blog. Can't wait to look around a bit more. Happy Holidays : )