Thursday, December 22, 2011

Holiday Break

So sorry to all my followers and readers, I have had a ton of family here for the holidays, and have been busy trying to keep my sanity enjoy time with family.  I will be back by next wednesday!!!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Yet, Another List

We all fantasize about our lives right?!  How our kitchen will look, how big of a backyard you have, the car you drive, the love your family shares, the financial security, fresh sheets everyday (or for me, just having the sheets remain on the bed more than one night)  anything!  So here are my life goals, I hope that they are all attainable.

  1. Move home to California (this WILL happen)
  2. Own at least 40 acres
  3. Have a huge bathtub (some things are just a must have)
  4. Work a job that I can do from home, and help pay the bills (currently finishing up my schooling!!)
  5. Be a great role model for my daughters
  6. Have a stable family base
  7. have enough money to allow my girls to rope or do gymkhanas and ride their horses whenever they want.
  8. Be genuinely happy with my life
Now I am sure there are more, and I am sure I am missing some, but this is what has been on my mind lately, so why not share.

    Friday, December 9, 2011

    Change for the Future

    When we began trying to get pregnant, we never, ever, in a million years thought we would wind up with twins.  We hadent even done any research on car seats, diapers, breast or bottle, NOTHING!  We just knew that we were ready to start our family, and in a naive notion, we though ONE baby would come, and everything would fall into place.  


    When we finally got pregnant 16 months later, (40lbs heaver and almost ready to give up) we were SHOCKED to see two perfect babies up on the screen

    Our lives were turned upside down, and sideways, and through a baby bullet (haha) Since that day, we have learned so much!  SO MUCH!  

    Looking back on it now, I am so thankful that the control freak in me was tamed and put on lock down by my doctor.  I had so much time to do my research, but I wasnt researching cloth diapers, or breast milk, I was trying to find as many ways to keep these babies in me for as long a possible!  Now that they are 13 months old, I have been thinking about our next baby (not that it is even on the table now) and what we want for our child.  

    First things first, I am for sure breast feeding the next baby.  I do not care what it takes, I am not giving up, I am doing it.  Also, I WILL cloth diaper the next baby.  No matter what, I am doing it!  Everything else, I will do exactly the same (or close) as I did with the girls.  I gave up on cloth diapering because honestly, its so overwhelming.  I had two babies, two times the everything and the last thing I wanted to have to worry about was washing diapers, and spraying diapers and ahhhhhh!!!  One baby?  piece of cake, done and done.  

    So Thats my rant of the day :)  What I will change for our next baby (in 2 or 3 years )

    Have a nice day everyone!!

    Thursday, December 8, 2011

    Blessings & Battles {Week 1}

    • Mommy being over her cold
    • Girls not getting the cold mommy had
    • beautiful roses as a centerpiece on my kitchen table
    • a husband who makes me so proud of him
    • Moving back home to California in 16 months
    • My mom leaves today :(
    • People cant pulls their heads out and book plane tickets
    • hubby has a lot of classes on his days of, cutting time with us short 
    • tight budget this week
    • MOLARS x 2

    Wednesday, December 7, 2011

    Wordless Wednesday

    Swing Edition

    Rylie is in Pink, and Laramie is in purple.  Oh, and Laramie doesnt look identical to her daddy at all ;)

    Tuesday, December 6, 2011

    Best Friends ♥

    These little girls are best friends, and it seriously melts my heart.

    Monday, December 5, 2011

    Tales of Two Girls { A Guest Post }

    The Fine Art of Manipulation

    Hi, everyone! I’m Tessa, from over at Tales of Two Girls.  As the title of my blog shows, I am the momma to two adorably awesome little girls.  Kendall is 3 and Sydney is 18 months.  Needless to say, our house is never quiet…or dull!

    Kendall, in her wise three years of age, has already seemed to master the art of manipulation.  The best part about it is, she has no idea she’s doing it.  The other night, the girls were having a sleepover at my parents.  There is a little crib set up in my old bedroom that has Micky Mouse bedding in it.  Kendall thinks it’s hers, and Lord help us if we try to put Sydney in it.  So the big kid has to sleep in the crib, which means a pack ‘n play needs to be brought along.
    That night, they noticed Sydney was getting tired so my dad went to put her in bed.  Kendall chased after him to be sure that her little sister wasn’t getting her beloved resting place.  She then decided it was time for her to go to bed, too.  You know, in case her little sister got any ideas about trying to invade on Kendall’s domain.

    She took a couple of books to read and hopped in. From the moment she went down, she was singing and chatting away.  My dad had gone in numerous times to tell her to quiet down, so she didn’t wake up her sister.  Finally, the last time he went in he said that if she didn’t quiet down a little, he’d have to take her book.  
    Kendall’s response?  In her stoic little face, she replies, “Take it.”  My dad tried telling her that, no, she could keep it, but she just had to be quiet.  
    Kendall: “No, take the book.”
    Grandpa: “No, Kendall you can have it, just be quiet.”
    Kendall: “Take it.”
    Grandpa: “Kendall, why do you want me to take it from you?”
    Kendall: “Because I have another book here.  When I read this one, you don’t come in the room to tell me to be quiet.”

    Score 1 for Kendall.  She just outsmarted Grandpa.

    The next day, while the girls were napping, I decided to get a jump start on wrapping the Christmas gifts.  Not 2 seconds after I had them under the tree, Kendall ran in and screeched, “Mommy!! Santa came!!!! Santa came and brought me presents!!!!”  Oh, crap.  I wasn’t expecting that.  I tried to explain that Santa didn’t come and these presents were not for her.  She was having a hard time comprehending this, and her little shoulders fell.  So, I did what any {sucker of a} mother would do.  I gave her a little present.  
    Score 2 for Kendall.

    Yes, in a matter of 24 hours, my lovely daughter has outsmarted 2 of us.  So, here is my advice to you if you find yourself in a similar predicament.  

    Step 1: Turn around.
    Step 2: Quickly try to walk away
    Step 3: Break into laughter.

    And, then of course blog about it. 

    Friday, December 2, 2011

    12 Month Check Up (part 1)

    Today we have the girls 12 month checkup (at almost 13 months old) and last time we had a check up and shots, we all ended up in an ambulance headed for the er to make sure Rylie was going to live.  her fever was really high, and I thought she was having a seizure (which she may have been, we will never know)  So I am splitting up their shots which isnt ideal.  I am all for vaccines and believe in the schedule.  But I will never put my baby through that again.  So off we go......wish us luck.

    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    Back to School I Go

    Before I got pregnant with the best things (thing 1 and thing 2 to be exact) I was trying to complete a medical transcription program, with the help of the military MyCAA financial aid program.  The program gives all military spouses (E-1 through E-4) $4000.00 for school.  I really like the program, and I love the fact that I can move, and still have my job with no interference.  Its a beautiful thing.

    Unfortunately, I had severe morning sickness, and couldnt even sit up, let alone do school work.  After 6 months of not doing my school, I was over it, and wanted to focus on becoming a mommy.  In hindsight, that was an awfully bad decision, but I made it and Im moving on.  Now that the girls are almost 13 months old, and sleep 12 hours a night (THANK GOD!) I feel like I can really focus on school again, and with a short time left for recieving a twice monthly military paycheck, I want some stability for when he may not have a job.  

    So I signed up again!!  With just enough money left on my MyCAA financial aid, I will be able to complete the program cost free!!  I am so thankful for this!!  If anyone wants info on MyCAA, or Career Step (my school)  email me.