Friday, November 18, 2011

Questions, Questions

"How do you do it?!"

That question not only baffles me, but almost makes me want to say "umm, I just do, because there is no other choice"  I assume I feel this way because I have been asked this question so frequently.  However, its a total loaded question, and there really isnt one answer.

Ask me how I get them into the car at the same time, or what I do when the shopping cart at walmart is only ment for one child.  Dont just say "how do you do it?!" and expect anything more than, "I just do!"  If I came up to you in the grocery store, and saw that you were wearing "work attire"  and asked you "Wow!  you must have a stressful job!  how in the world do you do it?!"  you would think I was crazy, and wonder why I was asking someone I didnt know, how they managed to keep their life all on track.

I feel like having children really opens up a platform for conversation.  Frankly, its not a conversation I want to have.  Yes, I love discussing my children, but when you ask me something like "breast or bottle?"  I kinda want to punch you in the face. 

Some people are very well meaning, and think my girls are soooo cute, and really dont know how to get a good look at them unless they strike up a conversation, and to them, I just say, "arent they cute!"  But when the mother of one wearing a nursing cover feeding her baby (ALL FOR IT!!!  WISH I WAS ABLE TO BREAST FEED LONGER) comes up and asks me if I breast fed my children, I know she wants to make herself look like a good, caring mother, and me look like the piece of crap mom who gives her child the dreaded formula *GASP*!!!

I do try to be nice, after all, most folks are just striking up a conversation, but I hope theyre not offended when they tell me "better you than me!"  and I quickly reply "Yeah, thank God!  You're a rude man/woman with no filter, I would never trust you with my children.  Thanks for playing, move along now."

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