Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Is This Thing Still On?



I know its been OVER 4 years since I've been here, but I really want to come back!  How about an update until I regroup, shall we?

Lets start with holy girls are almost SEVEN... S E V E N!!!  They are also in first grade!  WHAAAAAA?!!!  We started homeschooling this year after two years in public school, and so far its the best decision I have ever made.  

Lets see what else....We spent three years living in a fifth wheel.  It was a good time, but I'm glad were back home.  

Oh!  We also vlogged over on Momma Hen Vlogs for the past 4 years.  So many good times over there!!!  

My hubby and I will be celebrating 9 years of marriage in December!  That's super exciting for us!  I love this man SO. FREAKIN.  MUCH.

I have also found a love for essential oils and all things natural!  I have been blessed beyond measure by my doTERRA Family  I was even able to go to a VIP weekend a few months ago with my team..So freakin cool, y'all!!! 

I guess that will do it for the updates for now!!  I am thinking I will have a blog post up every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for now!  If there is anything in particular you want to know, shoot me a comment below and I'll be sure to get back to ya!